
Moss Agate

Quartz Variety - Agate Family

Nature. Growth. Harmony. Agreements. Efficacy. Abundance. Fertility.

Moss agate was named so because of the green inclusions within the transparent agate that looks like foliage or moss. This natural stone creates landscapes inside every stone.


Family/Variety: Banded Quartz/Agate; a form of chalcedony (silicon dioxide)

Shape/Crystal System: Trigonal

Hardness: 6.5-7

Colour Range: Green/Clear/Earth Tones

Chakra: Earth/Root

Direction: Earth

Element: Earth

Zodiac: Scorpio♏︎/Sagittarius♐︎/Cancer♋︎

Planetary/Ruling Bodies:  Earth

Guardian/Deity: Faery/Gnomes

Number: 1

Partners well with: Spirit Quartz

Safe in Water: Yes


Where this stone came from and where can you find it?

Moss Agate was used by the First Nations as a power stone. It was incorporated into rain dances and weather workings. It is commonly found in Australia, India and Turtle Island (Canada, USA, Mexico).

Physical Properties

How does moss agate affect the physical body?

You can use moss agate to strengthen weather magick/workings, and as a tool assist in cloud bursting.
Great when dealing with fungus, like candida/yeast in the body.

Use it topically (in baths or elixirs) for skin disorders.

Moss Agate is an excellent stone to use when working with the Earth in any capacity. Bad with plants? Moss Agate can help one develop a green thumb. Natural Gardner? Moss agate will assist in growing healthy gardens and plants.

Energetic Properties

How does moss agate affect the energetic bodies?

Wonderfully moss agate can be used as a touchstone towards the plant and mineral kingdoms.

It's a great stone for Earth Warriors, Earth Magick, Shinrin-Yoku, Permaculture, Gardening, Farming, Herbalism and Plant Growth in general.
This stone increases and strengthens positive personality traits, and opens ones eyes towards beauty of the natural world.

Ways to use Moss Agate

  • Journey with the Earth Mother while holing Moss agate! Listen to her, give her your love and gratitude, and remember to wait for it to be returned!
  • Bury Moss Agate in your garden or house plants!
  • Use it to connect with Nature. Build an Altar!
  • Nurtures gardens, plant care & nature connections

Agate Family

Alternative forms of agate


Furthering Studies on moss Agate

Silver Cove Encyclopedia App

Melody - Love is in the Earth- Earth Love Publishing House 1995


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